Rebel in the streets, colonized in the sheets

Comrades: One of the main themes of this samizdat is pattern recognition.

Let me first say that despite the best efforts our leaders to divide us, I believe we are at an inflection point where people judge each other on the content of their character and not the color on the skin. The last 2 years have exposed the spectrum of all human beings regardless of race, religion, or nationality. In every society there are are those who embrace freedom and open debate, while others push tyranny and censorship marching in lock step with fascist governments.

Reversing Demographic Decline 


Never ever accept the baseless lie that government policies can’t reverse European demographic decline. Hungary has proved, conclusively, that it is not merely possible to do so, it is actually quite easy and relatively inexpensive:State Secretary for Family and Youth Affairs Katalin Novák announced on Thursday that Hungary had seen a rise in both the number of births and a 5.7 per cent rise in the fertility rate in the first four months of this year, compared to the same period in 2019.

Source: Reversing Demographic Decline – Vox Popoli


Because women are hypergamous, elevating their status in any way tends to reduce the pool of potential husbands they are willing to marry. While a man who is a wealthy CEO with a PhD from an elite university won’t hesitate to marry an uneducated yoga teacher or aerobics instructor if she is pretty enough, even a jobless woman from an inferior public university will tend to turn up her nose at dating a man who dropped out of high school, even if he owns his own software company or chain of repair shops. Tha

Source: The College Mating Crisis – Vox Popoli


The vatican’s war on inequality

Chief in the crosshairs is the white Protestant Christian male .

Ep 214: Two Things that Terrify Me About the Vatican’s Science & Medicine Worship Conference

2021-04-21 by myincredibleopinion

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The Vatican is hosting a massive conference in a few weeks called “Unite To Prevent & Unite To Cure: Exploring the Mind, Body & Soul” and I’m going to go ahead and spoil the ending for you—no hymns will be sung, there’ll be no altar call, and I will be very surprised if a single prayer is uttered. Speakers at the conference include Frances Collins, head of the National Institutes of Health, Tony Fauci, Chelsea Clinton, Deepak Chopra, Cindy Crawford, and Aerosmith guitarist, Joe Perry, among many, many others. You may be wondering why the Vatican, of all things, is hosting such a conference. I think I know why, and if you consider yourself a Christian, it should concern every one of you—Catholic or not.

Find your tribe

Ep 212: The Importance of the Tribal Economy

2021-04-14 by myincredibleopinion

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If you haven’t noticed, there’s a lot of movies, books, and TV shows these days about the end times. Dystopian fantasies, they’re often called. The Road. The Stand. The Walking Dead. Hunger Games. World War Z. They all involve a theme where things have gone very wrong in the world and everyone is reduced to the struggle for survival. Gone are Saturday night barbecues, trips to Disney World, and drive-thru meals, and nearly every other convenience humans enjoy on any given day. Within the dystopian genre, these activities are often replaced with scavenging, hiding, running, and killing. It’s a popular theme these days and I think I know why: we miss having a tribe.

Ep 224: Unequal by God’s design: Why are White, Christian, Men So Hated?

Ep 224: Why are White, Christian, Men So Hated?

2021-06-15 by myincredibleopinion

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Have you noticed that Christians, particularly white Christian men, are so often targeted for attack these days? If you haven’t noticed, life has become challenging for those of us who profess our faith in Jesus and/or listen to country music. All over the world, it seems the heart of every problem—every political, racial, sociological, or economic woe there is—can be attributed directly to white Christian men. Why is this? If all races, all genders, all religions are truly equal, then how are we so uniquely gifted at exploiting the system? Wouldn’t that just prove we aren’t equal? Wouldn’t that just prove we are supreme—even if supremely evil—over all other races, genders, and religions? I consider myself no better or worse than anyone else. THEY apparently do not. Doesn’t that make THEM white supremacists?