It was a dark winter

Toronto literally had a dark winter – my solar panels told me so. Between cloud cover and snow cover of the panels, their production was sad.

Combine that with flaky wind power, we can see that wind and solar are no substitute for combustibles.

Getting ridding of gas and coal is economic suicide, which of course is what the obsoelite want for North America

Happier than usual to get out of Ontario’s winter gloom this year? This new data may shed light on why

Impossible EVs

Electric cars are a pipe dream for most at their current prices.

The only thing they do really well is not pollute directly in your face.

Is this enough to force them onto the public, since the economics don’t work?

Based on your graph, how much per gallon will the two be equal? $20/gallon? I’m too lazy to work it out, but whatever that price is, expect to see it before too long.
Once they have a few people left driving, it will become impossible to drive due to Agenda 21 SDGs – part of the EcoFascist plan.
They HAVE a plan – the sooner people read it, the sooner it could end.

Source: Comments – price of gasoline too high? buy an EV!

Earth Day pagans

Earth Day, first designated as an annual event in 1970, has origins that go back to ancient forms of paganism. For instance, nature worship or “earth religion” includes forms of paganism, such as “animism” (a worldview that all animals and plants have a spirit), “Wicca” (worship of earth mother goddess by magic), and “druidism” (the natural world is synonymous with divinity). According to Refinery 29, Earth Day is a “sacred holiday” and “a chance for Pagans to show gratitude to nature.” In that sense, “every day is Earth Day,” Pagan author Deborah Blake claimed.

Measure Twice: Sizing Europe’s Natural Gas Crisis

How much gas does Europe buy from Russia? Most estimates peg the annual amount to about 155 billion cubic meters. There are 35.3 cubic feet in a cubic meter, and there are 365 days in a year, thus Europe has a 15 bcf/d gap to fill by turning off the Russian spigot [(155 x 35.3)/365 = 15 bcf/d].