Never once do you hear of gas companies asking you to reduce gas consumption for the “greater good”.
You do however hear of monopoly utilities calling for voluntary reduction or even forced reduction if you have a “smart” thermostat.
This is why they want all gas banned in the name of their false CO2 god. It’s for one reason only: control.
My guess is that there is a technical reason why you cannot have a “smart” gas meter to regulate gas use – otherwise we’d have one by now stopping you from using one of the cheapest and most efficient ways to heat your house in this frostbitten country they call Canada.
Hydro-Québec is asking its customers to take a few steps to reduce electricity consumption in Quebec as a period of intense cold weather began Thursday night in most regions. The utility predicts that on Friday and Saturday, electricity demand could exceed the historical peak consumption, which was about 40,500 megawatts (MW) in January 2022. Extremely cold temperatures will test the ability of buildings to retain heat, which will increase heating demand across Quebec.
Source: Hydro-Quebec asks customers to reduce electricity consumption | CTV News
As usual it’s obvious once you look at it. Electricity is a voodoo science we don’t know what “it” is. But energy IS most powerful means for control.
Don’t know where to look to find out more but something’s hidden away …