Chief in the crosshairs is the white Protestant Christian male .
Ep 214: Two Things that Terrify Me About the Vatican’s Science & Medicine Worship Conference
2021-04-21 by myincredibleopinion
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The Vatican is hosting a massive conference in a few weeks called “Unite To Prevent & Unite To Cure: Exploring the Mind, Body & Soul” and I’m going to go ahead and spoil the ending for you—no hymns will be sung, there’ll be no altar call, and I will be very surprised if a single prayer is uttered. Speakers at the conference include Frances Collins, head of the National Institutes of Health, Tony Fauci, Chelsea Clinton, Deepak Chopra, Cindy Crawford, and Aerosmith guitarist, Joe Perry, among many, many others. You may be wondering why the Vatican, of all things, is hosting such a conference. I think I know why, and if you consider yourself a Christian, it should concern every one of you—Catholic or not.