You might still think nukes are real and a threat, but Canada does not.
This bunker was decommissioned years ago.
You might still think nukes are real and a threat, but Canada does not.
This bunker was decommissioned years ago.
People don’t complain about things they think they don’t understand or fear, so, as usual, a massive new swindle begins based on an old one.
At 3 a.m. on Saturday, Oct. 15, unit 2 at the Darlington nuclear station will be taken off-line for the start of a 40-month refurbishment.
The $12.8-billion refurbishment will take almost a decade to complete and will allow the four reactors to continue operating for another 30 years.
There are many occult numbers in this story. I can’t think of too many other government expenses the go virtually unquestioned like nuclear power. Can you imagine how many real things could be paid for with this money?
What is it about Ontario that makes it such a mark for the nuclear swindle? Are we the easiest target in the world to steal electricity money from? How did this happen?
Darlington’s midlife makeover
In October 2016, work will begin to refurbish the Darlington Nuclear Generating Station in Clarington. The project will extend the 25-year-old nuclear power plant’s life until at least 2055. Preparations are already underway.
Nuclear reactors located at Darlington
Percentage of Ontario’s energy produced at Darlington
Years needed to refurbish the plant
About how many years the plant’s life will be extended by the refurbishment project
Budget for the refurbishment project
Percentage of expenditures for the project that will occur in Ontario
New jobs created over life of the project
Cost to build a nuclear reactor mockup to train workers for refurbishment