Was Patrick Brown brought down for trying to expose money laundering?
This commenter lays out the case.
Was Patrick Brown brought down for trying to expose money laundering?
This commenter lays out the case.
I know all is fair in love and politics, but most who think highly of the current (psyop lying mayor, who only got in because former mayor Ford hoax died for him to win) don’t remember or even know about his disgusting attack ad against former Prime Minister Chretien.
I’m not a big fan of monopolies, but I dislike a duplicate monopoly even more.
Some of us have religious affiliations and some of us don’t, but we all believe in one non-denominational two-language public school system. It has been estimated the elimination of the separate system could save 1.25 to 1.6 billion dollars a year…(1)
Over the air radio is nearly dead.
The scariest findings dealt with how many people don’t even own a radio at home.
Are you ready? The Infinite Dial Canada 2018 Study shows 51% of 18-34 year-olds don’t own a radio at home. That’s one in two millennials who don’t have either an AM or FM radio where they live.
My only interest in vegan/vegetarianism is to live longer.
Interesting video showing how veganism is being inverted by the powers that be.
So says Rick Mercer on his last rant. https://youtu.be/4Smjpw5MSPM
Amazing coincidence that I hear this story on the Canadian/US American border after posting this.
Ira Glass tells the story of a little-known treaty dispute with far-reaching ramifications for our understanding of executive power. The dispute is between the President and one of his appointees…to the International Boundary Commission with Canada. This little-known commission carried out its function without fanfare or incident for over a hundred years, until a couple of retirees in Washington State built a wall in their backyard and, quite literally, set off an international incident. (23 minutes)
Source: The Prez Vs. The Commish.
Stupid, expensive, and aggravating:
The juicer I use daily and have for 6 years now:
Omega Juicer
There’s almost nothing out there that I can think of to improve your health than this little dynamo. Add fresh vegetables daily and some exercise and you’ll probably live longer.
Removing children at a young age from their natural circle of care (their family) is the fastest way to facilitate psychopathy.
Sure, they may learn more and become independent sooner (by necessity), but learning to detach and stay detached causes irreversible harm to future empathy and relationships.
It’s no wonder a preponderance of our leaders are raised in these parentless coops.
The Impact Boarding School Has On Children | Leaving Home At 8