Mystery Babylon: The History of Ecumenism, Public Education & Geopolitical Intrigue

Another great discussion. 

Chris Kendall and John Adams of The Afternoon Commute invited me back to explore the subjects of textual studies, the Documentary Hypothesis, Julius Wellhausen, German Higher Criticism, the Reformation, Renaissance Humanism, Ecumenism, Zionism, Dominion Theology, Millennialism, Theosophy, Spiritism and “Direct Revelation,” Revivalism, Utopianism, Roman Catholicism and Vatican II, the World Council of Churches and the Rockefellers, Rick Warren, Mega Churches, The Charismatic Movement, Materialism

* Duration: 3:14h, Played: 3:12h

* Published: 2016-07-23 1:14:35 PM

* Episode Download Link (89 MB):

* Show Notes:

* Episode Feed: Jay’s Analysis –

There’s nothing new here except the actors 

The United States now knows who the candidates of the two major political parties are. One of these two will most likely become president of the United States in January. As usual, each candidate and their partisans are predicting total catastrophe if the other wins. There are also claims that there has never been an election like this in history. As is normally the case, the candidate of the party out of power is claiming that the United States has reached a catastrophic point because of the current government. The other candidate is saying that the country is not collapsing but that it will collapse if the opposition’s candidate is elected.

Scott Adams risks his life and endorses Trump

As most of you know, I had been endorsing Hillary Clinton for president, for my personal safety, because I live in California. It isn’t safe to be a Trump supporter where I live. And it’s bad for business too. But recently I switched my endorsement to Trump, and I owe you an explanation. So here it goes.


[easyazon_link keywords=”Scott Adams ” locale=”US”]Scott Adams books[/easyazon_link]



Max  DZ34 Toxic Vaccines, Institutionalized Racism, and the Global Depopulation Agenda

I always enjoy the Ratt’s show. 

July 7th 2016- In this episode of the Max Ratt Deconstruction Zone Max analyzes the most nefarious project on the face of this Earth, which is the Vaccine Induced Global Population Agenda.  Eugenicist Mass Murderers named Gates, Rockefeller, and many more of their partners and subservient operatives have implemented a clear plan using Vaccines to EXTERMINATE […]

* Duration: 2:05h, Played: 2:04h

* Published: 2016-07-03 1:35:56 PM

* Episode Download Link (143 MB):

* Show Notes:

* Episode Feed: The Max Ratt Deconstruction Zone –

What will we do with the people?

As robots take over our menial and less menial jobs, what will we do with the people who have nothing to do? You can bet the controllers are thinking about it.

A second crucial question: What will we do with people who have nothing to do? This has been a hidden problem for a long time, solved to date by child-labor laws, compulsory attendance in high school, the growth of universities as holding tanks, welfare populations, and vast bureaucracies of people who pretend to be employed. Few of these do anything productive, but are supported and kept off the job market by the rest of us. But there are limits to the capacity of Starbuck’s to soak up college graduates. (The economic fate of America may depend on our consumption of overpriced coffee.)

Source: Ready: New Rossum’s Universal Robots: Toward a Most Minimal Wage | Fred On Everything