Eugenics In Canada: 20% Of Babies Aborted In “Pro-Choice Movement” – Canuck Law

Eugenics In Canada: 20% Of Babies Aborted In “Pro-Choice Movement”Ever wonder just how much of the Canadian public has been lost due to “abortion” in recent decades? Considering the size and scale of this, it must be good business.

Source: Eugenics In Canada: 20% Of Babies Aborted In “Pro-Choice Movement” – Canuck Law

Eat bugs Su-jerk-ski

These eco terrorists need to be extinct. I love my fresh, far away fruit.

“We cannot go on having a food chain that is 6,000 or 7,000 miles long,” he said. “We’re a northern country, why the hell are we able to buy fresh tomatoes and lettuce and fresh fruit 12 months a year? We’ve got to start living in a way that reflects the place that we live.”

How & Why Big Oil Conquered The World : The Corbett Report

Oil. The 19th century was transformed by it. The 20th century was shaped by it. And the 21st century is moving beyond it. But who gave birth to the oil industry? What have they done with the immense wealth and power that it has granted them? And what are they planning to do with that power in a post-carbon world? This is the remarkable true story of the oiligarchs and the world they have created.