580- Nutrition & Health in an Era of Sickness, Taking Control (Free)

580- Nutrition & Health in an Era of Sickness, Taking Control (Free) 🗓️ 2024-06-19 • 🕑 54:05 • 📁 5.2 MB Podcast: Crrow777Radio.com Author: Crow Web player: https://podcastaddict.com/crrow777radiocom/episode/177981827 Episode: https://www.crrow777radio.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Episode580HdKn-580-Hour-1-1.mp3 In the current era death and sickness seem to be at an all time high. At least when compared to recent decades. From toxic chemicals in everything, to food that lacks basic nutrition, we are beginning to experience the importance of nutrition, and what happens when it is lacking. Poor nutrition combined with toxic metals and chemicals is becoming a well-known recipe for sickness and early death. But with this decline in health, knowledge of supplements and cleansing methods is also on the rise, for those who choose to take control of their health. This episode is about what we are learning and how to live a better life in a time of decline, atrophy and drugs as the only offering from healthcare. There is much one can do when they choose to take control of their health and leave behind the insanity of our time. **NOTE** I hope to get another solar video posted on the site this week. I will include the one screenshot we managed to get of the so-called second sun which we located on 6-6-24.

Common drugs and how they disable you

Drugs suppress symptoms that can kill you in different ways.


The osteoporosis medication Fosamax (and others like it) were designed to trick a bone density scan, by keeping dead bone in the bone matrix. Dead bone is supposed to float away in the blood but Fosamax forces the dead bone to stay. This weakens the bones until the bone often disintegrates into dust, most often happening in the hip or jaw. The class action law suits against Fosamax and other drugs like it are massive because of this medical fraud.

Alcohol is poison

Alcohol is poison. That fact is documented conclusively, without a doubt, in the links below. There’s ZERO logical benefit to consuming alcohol but there is a Kamikaze based benefit, in getting accepted by the crowd…. for killing yourself slowly and never achieving your full potential. This is what I call fake safety and fake security
