Forty-five years of registration statistics, proving vaccination to be both useless and dangerous

Simon says:

And here we are, in 2019, still debating whether vaccinations are good or bad…

Source: Forty-five years of registration statistics, proving vaccination to be both useless and dangerous. In two parts. [electronic resource]


So much dissent is crushed over the years, due to our wonderful money and corporate system.

Acetaminophen a cause of autism?

So many toxins to choose from, and none are really studied.

Do you know that acetaminophen is from a class of drugs has been totally banned?

It is natural for a parent to want to comfort a child, and for a child with a fever, this used to mean giving them aspirin. When this was discovered to sometimes cause the deadly brain and liver swelling known as Reyes Syndrome, recommendations were changed to Acetaminophen, marketed under many names, most famously, Tylenol. Duke University surgeon William Parker believes that this is not as safe as widely believed, and can cause ADHD and Autism. David discusses the evidence for this theory with

* duration: 57:53

* Published: 2019-04-30 2:20:39 p.m.

* Episode Download link (80 MB):

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* Episode feed: The Infectious Myth –