Distraction master

“Let me say this” — you’re watching the master of performatives – Jesuit trained, trivium trained master of deception. No wonder the average dumbed down citizen swoons when he talks.

Bill Clinton talks about Rob Ford for a bit. One former President of Distractions talking about our own local distraction politician.

President Bill Clinton on Jimmy Kimmel Live PART 6 – YouTube.

Let them play

There really are no new ideas. Views swing back and forth, like a pendulum. We’ve bread a whole new generation of children who won’t take risks. Essentially, we have a whole wave of the population that could be government workers. There will be no inventors, or people willing to take risks. Society will stagnate. Perhaps that’s what’s happening now in the West.

Until we let our children fall out of a tree, they will never learn their limits. That’s sad.

It had been mere months since the gregarious principal threw out the rulebook on the playground of concrete and mud, dotted with tall trees and hidden corners; just weeks since he had stopped reprimanding students who whipped around on their scooters or wielded sticks in play sword fights.

via When one New Zealand school tossed its playground rules and let students risk injury, the results were surprising | National Post.

Science is a new (created) religion

The similarities are too obvious to see that science belief is one if the biggest controlled opposition operations ever.

The noagendashow.com played this clip:

and got this (great) reaction:

via http://adam.curry.com/html/NA60120140320-1395345003.html

 Science = Religion
 Cherry Pick email
I enjoyed your discussion in ep. 599 of the Neil Degrasse Tyson clip on
science and “climate deniers”. I just want to add an observation that I
think you and John may have missed (or didn’t have time to point out)–the
language that Tyson and his interviewer use is religious language.
Tyson says: “Science is not there for you to cherry-pick.it’s true whether
or not you believe in it. You can decide not to believe in it but that
doesn’t change the reality.” As a Christian, I recognize this as faith
language, particularly used in apologetics. I have heard and read arguments
and sermons just like this: “[The Bible] is not there for you to
cherry-pick.it’s true whether or not you believe in it.”
I submit that science as a whole-with no distinction between fields of
study, some of which are more theoretical than not-is being positioned as a
religion, with scientists as modern-day prophets. As technology and science
become more complicated, so that, as the old quotation goes, they seem more
like magic, belief in science looks more like faith. You and I have not done
any experiments or studies, or seen any scientific results; we trust (or
don’t trust J ) what the researchers tell us-and not even that, what the
media tells us the researchers have found. We as a culture have come to
believe that the scientists, with their many educational degrees and arcane
jargon that only the privileged few understand, are the truth seekers and
truth tellers. This has to be frustrating to scientists who truly do want to
seek truth and who know how scientific inquiry should work-not by consensus
or by adhering to a belief system, but by being open to the possibility of
your theories being proved wrong by the next round of experiments. Today,
though, the media gives “science says” or “a scientific study has proved”
the same weight as “God says” or “The Bible/Koran/Torah says..” had for the
faithful in centuries past.
That means that you and John and all of us listeners, as science skeptics or
“deniers,” are the modern-day heretics. When does the stake burning begin?

Permanently Temporary: The Truth About Temp Labor

The human resource industry is one level above human trafficking. We allow one and don’t allow another.

Super warehouses reside in the Inland Empire, a massive warehouse area 1 hour east of LA in CA,  It is the largest such area in the world. UPS, FEDEX, Walmart, Home Depot, Amazon all serve their (growing online) customers from here.

The workers are all paid minimum wage, non-union, and essentially work at Chinese-ified slave wages. Ironically, most are Mexican nationals (legal or illegal, I don’t know or don’t care either).

Interesting how (CIA sponsored?) Amazon is building a super warehouse in NJ to launch Amazon Fresh, as they move into same-day groceries.

This video really illustrates corporatism at its best. I don’t have a solution to it, but it’s a sad commentary on what happens when we go global and harmonize to the lowest common denominator.

It’s like starting a country all over again, and the only direction for a once mighty country like the USA is down.

Permanently Temporary: The Truth About Temp Labor (FullLength) – YouTube.

The China Study Community



T. Colin Campbell’s The China Study created a movement in the way people consider their diets. While the Internet features many great meeting places for the plant-based community, there has yet to be a one stop shop. The China Study Community website launched with the hopes of filling this niche and becoming the leading source of news for the plant-based community. Each day, you’ll find links to news stories, event information, recipes, reviews, and more from the top influencers in the plant-based movement, including specific information on The China Study and Colin Campbell-endorsed books published by BenBella Books.

via About: About | The China Study Community.