Bernie kill shot and oil is the devil’s excrement

If you associate Bernie for president 2020 with socialism approaching communism, which most do, then watching this look at the destroyed state of Venezuela will swing you hard to the right.

A good part of the video includes a quote from the Oil Minister of Venezuela from the 1960s. He states, “ten years from now, twenty years from now, you will see; oil will bring us ruin. Oil is the Devil’s excrement.”

My guess is that the US would rather have Venezuela look like Colombia, which appears to be at the other side of the spectrum.

Both countries are sad cases compared to here, but it looks like Venezuela’s situation is more dire.

The Strait of Hormuz — Home of the Brave

Value4value quirky podcaster worth your time and support.

I wanted to see the place where a war between the United States and Iran may begin. It turned out people over there couldn’t talk to me on tape because they live in countries without a tradition of free speech and they all feel they are being watched, and I didn’t want to get anybody in trouble. So this is a travelogue, a story about what it’s like to be there.

Oops electric cars Congo catastrophe

Not good if true.

Almost every big motor manufacturer striving to produce millions of electric vehicles buys its cobalt from the impoverished central African state. It is the world’s biggest producer, with 60 per cent of the planet’s reserves.

No wonder the US is moving into the DRC.

What WW2 was about

Good post.

What I think WWII was (also, there were 1000s of parallel motives) about was to subvert three of the most intelligent, well developed cultures of the Western world.

There were basically three “factions” to be dealt with by the warmongering psychopaths:
1 – the Germanic people – and their advanced, well developed technology, art, literature, science
2 – the Russian people – and their art, literature, science
3 – individual jews – and their art, literature, business and science

The “traditional” stronghold in world politics has been Great Britain, for the 200 years prior to WWII (following the Spanish Empire that was number one before but in great decline in the early 18th century). The British powers didn’t want to see a strong Germany, nor didn’t they want to see a strong Russia. Both powers excelled in their respective areas and needed to be suppressed.

Then there were the jews. The individual, normal, working class jews of Europe were well-integrated in language, business and even culture (though may -or may not- have practiced a different religion). Also they excelled in art, science, business and other intellectual areas. Despite many attempts by the Zionists to get them to move to Palestine, they refused, having their local communities and friends outside of the jewish groups. They did not want to move to some desert in the Middle East. That has been admitted to have sparked the “need for a ‘good’ crisis, that shouldn’t go to waste”.

The black-and-white idea pushed by online Nazis “it’s Ze Jews!” is of course completely ridiculous. Yes, the big jewish ultrarich families have dominated European society for centuries in the back. They were scheming, tricking and infiltraiting (no typo) the diverse societies of the European continent. But the normal jews didn’t have anything with them in common, other than maybe an invented “ethnicity” or a religion. But it would be just as ridiculous to hold a common Brit responsible for the actions of Theresa May or a US American christian for the deeds of Trump/Obama/Bush whatever. Salomon the Butcher has nothing to do with Soros the Manslayer.

So there was a plan scripted (already decades in the making; those ultrarich families plan a century ahead) to suppress all parties:
– Russia by the commie terror
– Germany by the fascist terror
– Jews by the “Holocaust” terror

And it worked;

Germany was defeated, destroyed and occupied and split (the Nazis had a big hand in that due to their many strategic “mistakes” and their focus on transporting jews instead of protecting their “Aryan” German people)
Russia was already before put under the boot of communism, but that anti-Russian power was further strengthened with the Warsaw Pact countries and left for a new “war” later, the Cold “War”.
And the individual jews were also destroyed; ripped away from their homelands, kidnapped and shipped to all over the world and the Zionist State in particular and can rely on an “eternal suffering” to be used whenever wanted.

If you take into account the Eastern theater (not for nothing they use that word!), the other 2 big powers in the region there suffered the same fate; Japan was turned into the culprit for everything and China was placed under the horrors of Mao.

So all the higher, better developed, more intelligent and creative cultures (Germanic, Russian, jewish, Chinese, Japanese) were submitted to “the new order”.

Source: The three amigos – Piece of Mindful