Social proof trumps best logic

Peer pressure always wins.

Wilt Chamberlain – easily one of the best basketball players of all time – was a terrible free throw shooter. Except for one season when he changed technique and scored more free throws in one game than anyone ever has. Then, crazily, he gave up the technique. Malcolm Gladwell explains why we often make the wrong decisions, in full awareness that they’re wrong. This story was adapted from Gladwell’s new podcast Revisionist History, which is produced by Panoply.

Vax propaganda 

The drug companies, via public health and propaganda, are putting out a fear story every day now. 

People are waking up to vaccine damage. 

They are having an effect. 

The phony stories are daily. 


Scarlett as in scarlet fever? 

Little Scarlett was one week shy of getting the immunization shot meant to protect her from whooping cough when she became infected in late January.