How The Liberal Welfare State Destroyed Black America | Frontpage Mag

From my search of who destroyed the black (and once proud) American family. The poor white American family is still far behind, but its numbers are increasing at the same rate.

When President Lyndon Johnson in 1964 launched the so-called War on Poverty, which enacted an unprecedented amount of antipoverty legislation and added many new layers to the American welfare state, he explained that his objective was to reduce dependency, “break the cycle of poverty,” and make “taxpayers out of tax eaters.”

Source: How The Liberal Welfare State Destroyed Black America | Frontpage Mag

What will we do with the people?

As robots take over our menial and less menial jobs, what will we do with the people who have nothing to do? You can bet the controllers are thinking about it.

A second crucial question: What will we do with people who have nothing to do? This has been a hidden problem for a long time, solved to date by child-labor laws, compulsory attendance in high school, the growth of universities as holding tanks, welfare populations, and vast bureaucracies of people who pretend to be employed. Few of these do anything productive, but are supported and kept off the job market by the rest of us. But there are limits to the capacity of Starbuck’s to soak up college graduates. (The economic fate of America may depend on our consumption of overpriced coffee.)

Source: Ready: New Rossum’s Universal Robots: Toward a Most Minimal Wage | Fred On Everything

Nature or nurture – I choose nurture

Simon at has a post that discusses the “Jews are superior by birth” myth.

I contend that Jews, to survive, HAD to be really smart to survive in a hostile world.

I contend that Atlanticist-backed Hitler was manipulated (or ordered) to expel the Jews from Germany simply to destabilize Germany by removing its intellectuals and cultural leaders.

I contend its 95% nurture, and only 5% nature, that determines a human’s success in life.

Clearly, the Jews, who are no longer threatened, are lapsing into the great melting pot of society and losing their intellectual edge.

Bring on the Asians, as I posted here.

How to surrender

From the persuasive mind of Scott – who is such a good writer.

1. Roll down your window upon stopping and stick both hands out the window, palms up, waiting for the police officer. That’s as clear a surrender as you can get. And importantly, it is easier to remember this move than the steering wheel hand-placement mentioned above. You have a different visual memory for sticking both hands out the window (which is unusual) compared to putting both hands on the steering wheel, which is closer to normal behavior.2. Your first utterances to the police officer should include the words “officer” and “safety.” Example: Good morning, Officer. Let’s be safe today. Tell me what you need me to do.

Source: Better Surrender Technique | Scott Adams’ Blog

On loyalty

Scott’s right on this one. Why do you think auto recalls actually help business?

By analogy, restaurant owners know that the most loyal customers are the ones who had a complaint that got resolved to their satisfaction. People are usually more invested in the fix than the complaint. If a restaurant gets the fix right, the customer bonds for life. Trump got it wrong with abortion penalties, but his fix was swift and unambiguous. Voters notice the fix. And they bond to it.