Understanding the Bank of Canada

Trudeau 1 brought in private bank lending and interest to finance Canada Inc ‘s budget. What will Trudeau 2 do?

So, around 1974, the Government of Canada began to borrow all of the monies to cover its shortfalls from the private sector at interest rather than creating money through the Bank of Canada interest-free. In other words, since 1974, the Bank of Canada has not been acting in the best interest of its shareholders: the people of Canada.

The interest we pay daily to bankers is obscene.

In 2011, alone, Canadian taxpayers paid the private banks an estimated $37.7 billion to service the federal debt—over $103 million each and every day of the year!

Comer vs. Regina

I’m not too sure what to think of this whole issue, but I think that having a public bank lend to Canada is better than a private bank.

This is what this lawsuit is all about, apparently.

Lawyer Rocco Galiti addressing a meeting of The Committee on Monetary & Economic Reform (COMER) on the status of their case against the Bank of Canada Canadian constitutional lawyer, Rocco Galati, on behalf of Canadians