Busting the germ theory

In 1973 Dr. D. Powles observed: “The major contributing factor toward improved health over the past 200 years has been improved nutrition. Nearly 90% of the total decline in the death rate in children between 1860 and 1965 due to whooping cough, scarlet fever, diphtheria and measles occurred before the introduction of antibiotics and widespread immunization against diphtheria” (Powles, 1973).

Epidemiologist Dr. G.T. Stewart made a similar statement which was reported in Lancet of May 18,1968; and prior to this Sir Robert McCarrison, the great English physician, wrote:

“Obsessed with the invisible microbe, virus, protozoa as all important excitants of disease, subservient to laboratory methods of diagnosis, hidebound by our system of nomenclature, we often forget the most fundamental of all rules for the physician, that the right kind of food (nutrition) is the most important single factor in the promotion of health and the wrong kind of food the most important single factor in the promotion of disease” (McCarrison, 1936).


Paying for water

Buy a steel flask and carry it with you! Paying for water in a bottle in a first world country is crazy.

Water is about to replace soda pop as the most popular packaged drink, even though it pours from taps at a fraction of the price.

“It is remarkable to me,” said Gleick, “that sales of bottled water are continuing to rise in a country where we have cheap, incredibly safe, incredibly reliable tap water that’s available to basically everyone.”

Source: Why Americans keep hitting the bottle (of water) | Toronto Star

Sugar Coated – is sugar a toxin?

Good doc on the evils and insidious nature of sugar in our processed foods today.

How did the food industry get us to stop asking the question: is sugar toxic? It all starts with a secret PR campaign dating back to the 1970s. For forty years, Big Sugar deflected all threats to its multi-billion dollar empire, while sweetening the world’s food supply. As obesity, diabetes, and heart disease rates skyrocket, doctors are now treating the first generation of children suffering from fatty liver disease. The sugar industry is once again under siege. They dodged the bullet once. Will they do it again?

Pure White and Deadly PDF

Going green bananas

Eat your bananas earlier.

Of course, you’ve eaten a banana – but have you ever eaten a green banana? If not, maybe you should. Eating green bananas offers some advantages you won’t get from eating the ripe, yellow fruit. What are the health benefits of green bananas?
